iN HAMAMATSU.COM | Recommend | The firefly watching

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IN HAMAMATSU.COM Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan Visitor Guide

IN HAMAMATSU.COM Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan Visitor Guide Hamamatsu

The firefly watching


Enjoy the glow of fireflies on a romantic early summer night!

Fireflies are the symbol that reminds everyone of early summer in Japan, and firefly watching is one of the popular pastimes for Japanese people from old times.
We'll introduce the facilities where you can watch fireflies in Hamamatsu and around the city.

The times you can watch fireflies may change depending on the conditions such as weather. Also, since there could be cancellations because of the weather, we recommend you call beforehand to check.

Guided tour of firefly watching ※Reservation needed!
This event will be cancelled in 2021.
Friday, May. 24th to Sunday, Jun. 23th 2019
gathering Hamanako gate/ Zoo entrance
Time Part1 7:30pm~ / Part2 8:15pm~ 
※Please finish your reception fifteen minutes before the start.
Admission Aadults ¥800 / Elementary and junior high ¥400
To ask and apply
For hotel guests of Kanzanji-onsen >>
please inquire at your hotel.
For other visitors inquire or reserve at >>
Lake Hamana hot-spring tourism association 053-487-0152(Japanese only)
The firefly watching
May 24 (Fri) ~ Jun 9 (Sun), 2024
Friday, Saturday and Sunday during the period
Time 7:30pm~8:30pm
Admission Free (The admission is free after 6pm.)
Information 053-428-5211(Japanese only)
The firefly festival
May 25 (Sat), 26 (Sun), Jun 1 (Sat) and 2 (Sun), 2024
Place:The firefly park inside Hatasan Soneiji Temple
Time 6pm~9pm
※You can also watch during the weekdays from the last part of May to the first part of June.
※Best time for watching fireflies is from around 7pm
Admission Free
Information 0538-43-3601 (Japanese only)
Manners for watching fireflies
■ Don't shine any lights!
Fireflies are weak in strong lights. Using flashlights to point at them as well as camera flashes are prohibited.
■ Don't catch fireflies!
Fireflies are rare creatures with a short life span. Keep it at observing only.
■ Don't make their living area dirty!
Fireflies can live only in clear rivers. Please bring your garbage back home.
2023.4.26 update
Content may be subject to change after publication. Please also note that we are not accountable for loses and damages that may occur as a result of said changes.